Outside the map in resident evil 4 castle
Outside the map in resident evil 4 castle

outside the map in resident evil 4 castle

Blue Medallion 6: To the north of the cannon area, you’ll see this Medallion hanging in a small window above a structure.You can spot it from many areas in this section, but getting right below it makes it easier to shoot. Blue Medallion 5: Look up to the north from the treasure chest and you’ll see another Blue Medallion hanging above.Just before that is a treasure chest and to its left, you’ll find the next Medallion hanging by a wall. Blue Medallion 4: Keep looping back and you’ll reach a door you can unlock.Then, look down off the side of the castle and you’ll see the next Medallion hanging from a tree below. Blue Medallion 3: Continue along this path and head up the ladder.Blue Medallion 2: From the cannon area, drop down via the hole, and you’ll see the next Medallion hanging above.Blue Medallion 1: This one is hanging from the dome structure right next to the cannon.Merchant Request: After destroying the castle gate with the cannon, make your way past the rubble, and you’ll see the request on a wall just before the entrance.There are six Blue Medallions in the Castle Gate area. It’s hanging across from the chest containing a Hexagon piece. Blue Medallion 5: The final Blue Medallion is on the northern side, under a walkway.Blue Medallion 4: Also in the Fish Farm, this Blue Medallion is in the center of the area, hanging between wooden boards.Blue Medallion 3: In the Fish Farm, head to the shack with the typewriter to find the next Blue Medallion.Drop down to the dock below where the boat is located, walk to the right, and you’ll see this Blue Medallion hidden beneath the wooden planks.

outside the map in resident evil 4 castle

Blue Medallion 2: After the Merchant area, you’ll make your way outside, toward the Fish Farm.Blue Medallion 1: Inside the Quarry, look up to the northwest and you’ll see a Blue Medallion hanging from the top of a platform.The Request is on a post just before you reach the Quarry. Merchant Request: After crossing the wooden platforms on the cliffside, make your way toward the Quarry.There are five Blue Medallions across Quarry and the Fish Farm.

Outside the map in resident evil 4 castle